
Felicia Flour Bee Bakery with Bee-2.jpg

Welcome to The Flour Bee Bakery. My name is Felicia L. Dart, and I’m the owner and Pastry Chef. I’m excited you took the time to visit my page. Please let me share a little bit about myself with you and how The Flour Bee Bakery came to be.

As long as I could remember, I have been ripping recipes out of magazines and stashing them away until the day I could make them. I quickly developed a passion for baking and found myself bringing cookies to special events and giving them to my friends, coworkers, neighbors, and as thank you gifts. Then one day it hit me, why not follow my passion for baking by going to Culinary School and becoming a Pastry Chef, where one day I can fulfill my dream of opening my very own bakery. My plan was set, but I was still so unsure about so many things. One being, what to call my bakery and, as a bookkeeper, I know the challenges of starting a small business and getting things right before the doors are open. Little did I know, however, I had the name all along. Let me explain. When I bought my home sixteen years ago, I created a flowerbee email address since I love flowers and we need bees to have flowers, so how could I go wrong. Then, early one morning, while in Culinary School, I was putting on my shoes to go for a walk when I asked God what should I call my bakery and for the inspiration to get started. As I was tying my shoes it hit me, I should call my bakery The Flower Bee Bakery! When I got to work that morning, I shared my idea with my coworker who said, “You do not want to spell it Flower, you want to spell it Flour so people will not confuse it with a flower shop.” That’s how The Flour Bee Bakery came to life.

Thank you for allowing me to share my love of baking and my story with you. I know you have a choice to purchase your baked goods anywhere, so it is important to me that you know how very thankful I am that you stopped by to shop with me.


Felicia L. Dart